Misafir KALEM
Women Role in BLA: A Challange for Pakistan
✍Muhammad Ahmad Khan – Research Associate, Pakistan
The women in Balochistan are struggling very hard to meet their dreams in terms of social freedom, amidst...
Unholy Alliance: The Taliban, the TTP, and South Asian Security
Dr. Khuram Iqbal-Pakistan
Since the Taliban's ascendance in Kabul in 2021, Pakistan has witnessed a sharp resurgence in terrorist attacks reminiscent of the pre-APS era...
Bangladesh’s Uplift Regional Stature
✍ Muhammad Ahmad Khan
2024 has transformed Bangladesh internally regarding the socio-political and economic indicators after the Bangladeshi student revolution overthrew the 15 years of...
India and Türkiye: Thread of sufism binds two great countries
*Dr. Shujaat Ali Quadri
The Author is Deputy Director of Indo Islamic Heritage Center, India
“When we are dead, seek not our tomb in the earth,...
Bangladesh at a Crossroads: Addressing False Narratives Regarding Minority and Democracy
* Minhaj Aman, Researcher Bangladesh
As the clock struck 3:30 PM, Alim Mia, a man in his fifties, prostrated on the ground in front of...
Outcome of Indian elections
*Arshad Khan – India
Results of globally most watched elections of the year has come out. Ruling BJP has given the slogan of “Abki bar...
Tracing the Roots: The Turkish Origins of the Mughal Empire & Köklerin İzini Sürmek: Babür İmparatorluğu’nun Türk Kökenleri
Tracing the Roots: The Turkish Origins of the Mughal Empire
*** Dr. Sadia Khanum, Asistant Professor BUIC Pakistan
The Mughal Empire, renowned for its grandeur...
Dünden Bugüne Afganistan ve Sosyolojik Savaş
Dünden Bugüne Afganistan ve Sosyolojik Savaş
***Yusuf Çağlayan
Afganistan: Kültür, Nüfus Coğrafya
Siyasi ve sosyolojik süreçler hem birbirini besler ve hem de birbirinden beslenir. Belirli bir sosyokültürel...