The importance of Afghanistan in Russia’s foreign policy
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's foreign policy faced chaos. The desire for the West and the United States, laying the groundwork...
A glance to Iran and Afghanistan relations
Afghanistan and Iran, having a common border of about 978 kilometers, are among the lands that have unbreakable cultural and historical relations. Khorasan, the...
A reflection on the history of Afghanistan-Pakistan relations
Pakistan was a remnant of the British Indian Empire's colonies in the south Asian region. In 1947, because of internal uprisings led by Muhammad...
The importance of Afghanistan in Indian foreign policy
Afghanistan has subjected to number regional subsystems in terms of regional region that Afghanistan is belonged to central Asia. However, the intensification of competition...
Insecure Afghanistan and its Impact in Russian security
Russia is an integration with center Asia countries. This country has always been concerned about the spread of terrorism and drug trafficking in Afghanistan....
South Asia Country Analyses & Book PDF
Our book study, titled as “SOUTH ASIA COUNTRY ANALYSES” has been published which is first in this field, was prepared in Turkish and English,...
Taliban’ın Dünü ve Bugünü & The Past and Present of The Taliban
Afganistan’ın kuruluş aşamasındaki Rusların ve İngilizlerin ülkeye yönelik işgal girişimlerine verilen mücadele ruhunun günümüzdeki Taliban örgütünün beslendiği tarihi ana damar olduğunu görülüyor. İngiltere’nin bölgeden...
Türkiye’nin Son 20 Yılda Afganistan’a Katkıları
*Zabihullah Dashti Dr.Öğrencisi -Afganistan
1 Mart 1921'de başlayan Türkiye-Afganistan ilişkileri üzerinden tam 100 yıl geçmiştir. Dostane ve samimi ilişkilere sahip iki ülke ilişkileri 18. Yüzyılın...